Healthy and Fun Bento Box Ideas

Friday, November 19, 2021


Who else is trying to pack a healthier lunch for themselves or the family?  Being 1,000 percent honest... lunch on the run is my WEAKNESS!  I find myself grabbing things on the go and that often leads to extra calories, overly processed foods and - I will admit - a side of potato chips! 

I saw all of these people making beautiful bento box meals and realized that maybe that was the trick for me! I need to have something cute, organized and packed with healthy options.. Okay, let's be real, the real issue was that I needed to be organized! 

So what goes in a bento box you may ask... 

Well, here are 20 fantastic ideas!

1. Almond Butter Packet/ baby carrots 

2. Fresh Veggies like broccoli, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers or green beams with healthy homemade ranch

3. Salad

4. Lunchmeat wrap or pinwheels if watching carbs 

5. Fresh Fruit

6. Pretzels or Whole Grain Crackers

7. Hummus 

8. Hard Boiled Eggs

9. Olives 

10. Yogurt Cups 

11. Whole Grain Pasta Salad

12. Whole Grain Quesadilla

13. String Cheese or Cheese Chunks

14. Lean meats like grilled chicken, turkey breast or salmon

15. overnight oats

16. applesauce 


18. Black beans & veggie wrap

19. chicken salad made with greek yogurt instead of mayo

20. Quinoa Salad

Now that you have some great ideas for what to go in them.. check out some of these amazing boxes available on Amazon! 

This pack of 7 for under $20!

This adorable set for under $15

This one is a little bit more BUT has a cute insulated bag!

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